Product Description Polyride Fe, Polyride Fe Ultra Polyride Fe or Polyride Fe Ultra, a non-ionic polysaccharide supplement that contains elemental iron. Shortness of breath, dizziness, general fatigue, weakness, pale skin; all these are symptoms of iron deficiency in the body, and you could face more problems depending on the severity of your condition. One of the best solutions for treating and preventing iron deficiency is taking Polyride Fe or Polyride Fe Ultra. These products treat iron deficiency anaemia and are the best alternative to Feramax. One advantage with Polyride Fe is that it’s well tolerated, so you will not get any side effects that come with other iron supplements. As a Feramax alternative, it works well to improve absorption. It comes with 350 mg of polysaccharide iron complex, which is an equivalent of 150 mg of elemental iron, the iron available for absorption. The original formula and the Ultra version are no different, as far as ingredients are concerned; only that the Ultra contains an additional 125 mg vitamin C and 1,000 mcg Vitamin B12. The vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron and also prevents vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin B12 helps in diets that are deficient in vitamin B12 and is a good choice for vegans and vegetarians as well as the elderly suffering from gastric atrophy. Benefits of Polyride Fe, Polyride Fe Ultra If you are looking for the best alternative to Feramax to treat iron deficiency, Polyride Fe is a suitable choice that offers proven tolerance and absorption. The product is a non-formulation that enhances the absorption of iron into the bloodstream, and it will not trigger GI upset like nausea, heartburn, heartburn, stomach pain, and constipation, which is common when you take ferrous salt supplements. The iron released is absorbed comfortably and this is also the best way to supplement iron if you want quick results.
350mg of Polysacharide Iron