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It’s true-each and every day people suffer through the sharp stabs, overwhelming aches, and frustrating loss of mobility due to back pain, all while misunderstanding what it is and where it came from in the first place.

And when you truly don’t know anything about a problem, it can be near impossible to fix it.

As a result, 31 million Americans both young and old have to endure the relentlessness of back pain at any given time. And for many, the ineffective exercises, addictive pain pills, or expensive surgeries that are recommended just don’t end up working like they’d hoped.

Just think – no more skipping outings with friends because you’re afraid your back is going to start acting up again. No more turning dawn your grandchildren’s requests to play because you just cannot risk it. No more having to live under the constant fear of spasms, twinges, and searing hot pain that hits you without any warning.

Sounds heavenly, right? if there’s one good thing about back pain, It’s that it makes you really appreciate all the things in life you took for granted before.

And with the help of the simple, gentle techniques I discovered and developed into the revolutionary Back In Action system, you can finally have all of that again.

But more on that later, I promise.

First, you’ll learn about what back pain is and how to get rid of it, the #1 thing I want you to take away is the fact that you don’t have to spend the rest of your life in pain.

I know because my father and I are living proof.

In my years of working in the health industry, I’ve seen countless clients struggle with near-constant back problems – the dull aches, the piercing twinges of pain, the sudden spasms that leave you frozen and afraid to move another inch.

I also know that suffering day in and day out from back pain isn’t just about the discomfort involved either, it can be unbearable at times, sure, but there’s so much more to it than that.

It’s also the fact that back pain robs you of your freedom – your independence. The fear of pain can keep you from finally following through with those travel plans you and your spouse had always looked forward to.

It can hold you back from venturing out to visit friends and family members or even going to the grocery store on your own.

Studies have also found that chronic pain like that found in spine disorders can harm nearly every aspect of your being. And that can Include your ability to sleep, your ability to think your mood, your heart health, and even whether or not you have healthy sexual functioning.

Back problems aren’t just about the pain then. They’re about your entire life!

I know just how much back pain can take over nearly every aspect of your being first-hand. I saw my father struggle with it for years and years and I watched how the bravest most caring role model I ever had turn into a frightened and bitter old man.

It changed him, and for a while, it changed me too.

But thanks to what I’ve discovered about the nature of back pain and how to relieve it without drugs, surgery, or years of rehabilitation, were both finally free from the chains of constant pain.

And let me tell you, it feels great!

It was this painful but life-changing journey that lead me to create the absolute best system for relieving back pain on the market today: The Back In Action program.

This innovative system was developed over years of research, studying the latest and most trusted techniques for relieving back pain, and combining the best parts of each into one simple-to-use and astoundingly effective set of exercises.

Just have a look at what one Back In Action user had to say:

“I never thought I’d have to go to the doctor for back pain in my 50’s. Maybe when I hit 70 or even 60, then I’d have to start worrying about it.

My long hours at my desk job really did a number on my lower back. And soon, I couldn’t even get out of bed without being bombarded by pain. Painkillers helped a little, but I hated the way they made me feel. It was also already was getting hard to focus at work.

The Back In Action system gave me a natural, drug-free way of managing my pain. Today, I feel better than ever. I am pain-free for over a year now. I was hopeful but didn’t expect it to work this well!”

And best of all, these exercises only take around 10 minutes to complete and can be done almost anywhere.

Just think-whether you’re in the office, at home, or even on a walking the park you can find immediate relief from your back pain in just minutes with these gentle and simple stretches.

The beauty of the Back In Action system comes from the fact that it focuses on the three core aspects of essential back health and pain relief. posture, stretching, and breathing.

And when you combine each of these aspects with the foundational stretch I discovered after relentless research, you’ll be able to get back to living a pain-free life almost immediately.

Just imagine not being afraid to move like you used to 10 years ago. Or finally being able to participate in activities with your friends and family that used to cause you far too much pain.

And best of all, these exercises only take around 10 minutes to complete and can be done almost anywhere.

Just think-whether you’re in the office, at home, or even on a walking the park you can find immediate relief from your back pain in just minutes with these gentle and simple stretches.

The beauty of the Back In Action system comes from the fact that it focuses on the three core aspects of essential back health and pain relief. posture, stretching, and breathing.

And when you combine each of these aspects with the foundational stretch I discovered after relentless research, you’ll be able to get back to living a pain-free life almost immediately.

Just imagine not being afraid to move like you used to 10 years ago. Or finally being able to participate in activities with your friends and family that used to cause you far too much pain.

This is one of the most common myths about back pain by far!

When most people hear about someone suffering from back pain, they often wonder, “What happened to them? Was it shovelling snow or picking up a box that was way too heavy?”

What was the injury that started it all?

But the surprising truth is that most cases of back pain don’t actually come from one single traumatic incident.

Sure, a car crash or a terrible fall can definitely cause lasting damage that can hang around for years, But for most people that experience back pain, especially lower back pain, the real culprit here is spondylosis – a.k.a. the general deterioration of the spine over time.

Like any other part of the body, the spine and the ligaments, discs, and tissues surrounding it tend to break down the older we get. It’s a natural part of the aging process.

However, this process is sped up by what’s known as lumbar strain. In fact, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (or AANS) actually reports that lumbar strain is responsible for most cases of lower back pain. According to the AANS, this condition is actually caused by tiny tears in the muscles in your lower back.

And as more and more of these small rips in your muscles and tissues of the lower back get worse and worse, it can make it harder for them to keep your spine correctly in place.

This is the kind of damage that’s caused by lifting heavy objects improperly or bending over day after day after day

But it isn’t just motions like these that can cause the problem. Bending, twisting, turning, and reaching can all put tiny bits of strain on the tissues and ligaments of your back. And over time, that strain can actually add up and develop into a debilitating condition.

Now, one thing that’s important to remember about lumbar strain is that it can happen to almost anyone.

It can affect someone with a comfortable office job who merely reaches from one side of their desk to another. It can strike a manufacturing worker who lifts a heavy piece of machinery. Even waiters and waitresses who carry dishes all day can wear down their ligaments, tissues, and spine.

The lesson here: crippling back pain doesn’t always come from a single injury. Instead, it can build up over time in nearly anyone at all.

We’ve all heard this one before. What does everyone recommend doing after you throw out your back or start feeling the twinges of severe back pain?

Just give your back a break for a while, and it will start feeling better in a few days they tell you. Plus, it’s not like you’re in any rush to continue business as usual when your lower back is constantly throbbing anyways.

And while keeping your heavy activity to a minimum is definitely a good idea when you’re already in pain, what most people don’t know is that extended bed rest might actually make it harder for you to recover.

According to the National Institutes of Health:

“Strong evidence shows thot persons who continue their activities without bed rest following onset of low back pain appeared to have better back flexibility than those who rested in bed for a week, Other studies suggest that bed rest alone may make back pain worse and can lead to secondary complications such as depression, decreased muscle tone, and blood clots in the legs.”

Instead, experts advise that the best way to heal from back pain and start feeling back to your old self again is actually to resume your normal daily activities!

Now, of course, you’ll want to avoid any movements that make the pain worse for at least a little while. But in general, the quickest way to recover is by keeping active, stretching your muscles and ligaments properly, and staying in motion as much as you can.

It’s just one more reason why so many people just don’t know how to deal with their back pain effectively.

Now for back pain myth #3. And believe me, this one is huge!

By far one of the most widespread myths about back pain has got to be that a firmer mattress is better for your spine.

People have grown up believing that softer, cushier beds lead to aches and pains because the spine doesn’t align.

While it’s true that some firmness can keep your body supported and maintain a straighter spine, the fact is that a mattress that’s too firm can actually push against the lower back, throwing it out of its natural alignment.

It’s a bit of a Goldilocks situation then-you need some sort of support while still giving you enough cushion to contour your body naturally.

And there’s even scientific evidence that a medium-firm mattress works better for fighting back pain than a firm mattress.

For example, one study assessed the lower back pain of 313 adults, some of which had medium-firm mattresses and others who had firm ones. The researchers actually found that the medium-firm patients experienced less daytime low-back pain, less pain while lying in bed, and less pain when getting out of bed than those with firm mattresses!

And if you’re like most back pain sufferers, this goes against everything that you’ve heard over the years.

It just goes to show that most people don’t know as much about this condition as they think!

But don’t worry – if you’re one of the many that have believed these myths all of your life, you certainly aren’t alone.

In fact, when my dad was first struck by near constant back pain, he was led astray by these myths just like everyone else.

You see, my father was the epitome of a company man he worked tirelessly for the same accounting firm ever since he got a job in the mailroom at the age of 18.

And by the time he retired at 65, he had put in 47 years of loyal, dedicated work at the same company. He never even took a single sick day!

That hard work paid off too. He’d gone from a simple mailroom clerk and worked his way up to becoming one of the most trusted accountants at the firm.

But while his hard work had brought him a comfortable living and all the respect he could ever ask for, it eventually came with a price as well.

Hours upon hours spent hunched over a desk filling in long lists of figures and spreadsheets had taken a toll on his spine over the years. And while he could feel the pain and discomfort starting to develop years before it all came to a head, he was far too involved in his work to let it slow him down.

I remember when my mother would suggest getting a new ergonomic desk or a new chair with better lumbar support, my father would brush it off as nonsense, What we called stubbornness, he would correct us, “No no no, self-sufficiency!”

In his mind, he already had a cushier job than most. Many of his friends from high school went on to manual labor careers like construction, logging, and mining.

To my father, then, a little bit of back pain every now and then was nothing compared to what his closest friends had to endure day after day.

After all, how much damage could he be doing just by sitting in a chair at a desk when others were out there lifting, chopping. pulling, and digging 8 hours a day every day of the week? As it turns out, though, a desk job can actually wreak havoc on your back. Part of the cause here has to do with poor posture, as we all know. The longer your hours of hunching over your work, the more pressure there is on your spine to bend unnaturally. And eventually, that pressure can end up stretching and tearing your tissues and leading to aches and pains in your lower and upper back.

But there’s more to the risks of back pain in modern occupations and office jobs than just posture.

First off, exercise and body weight end up playing a pretty big role in whether or not you’re at risk for developing future back pain. Staying physically active can help you build muscle in your back and your abdominals. And that muscle can end up supporting your spine and keeping it in healthy alignment.

Added to that, it can help keep off extra weight. And the more overweight you are, the more pressure you’re putting on your spine to support it. And when you’re sitting at a desk all day, it can be hard to get the right amount of exercise and keep off those extra pounds. This is all pretty common knowledge though. After all, who hasn’t heard that extra belly fat and a sedentary lifestyle makes it more likely that you’re going to end up hurting your back at some point?

But one of the real hidden dangers of the office job is-get ready for it-stress! That’s right.

High levels of stress have been linked to a greater risk of developing chronic lower back pain according to MedlinePlus, a health information provider from the U.S National Library of Medicine

Part of the problem here is the higher muscle tension that stress can often cause throughout the body. And that can end up making your back pain even worse.

Beyond that, though, stress can change how you actually perceive your pain. The psychological distress that’s caused by your pain can end up making that pain even worse. And when you are unable to control your anxiety, emotions, and your focus, your back pain can end up taking over your life.

Researchers have even found that when your back pain lasts for an especially long time, your brain activity actually switches away from pain circuits and instead uses ones that process your emotions.

It isn’t any wonder, then, that people with chronic back pain find it difficult if not impossible to be the happy, optimistic people they were before they were hit with this terrible pain.`

And that’s exactly what happened to my father too.

Growing up, I had always looked up to him. He was a tireless worker. And it was that dedication to his job that helped put food on our table and ensure that we had a comfortable life. We weren’t rich by any means, but we certainly never went to bed hungry either.

But even though he wasn’t around as much as some of my friends fathers, he more than made up for it during the time he did spend with us. The life lessons, the horrible corny jokes, and the adoration that other fathers expressed in three or four hours – my father did it in one.

And he had the heartiest, most infectious laugh I’ve ever heard in all my 40 years.

When he and my mother would return from their Friday night outings, they’d burst through the front door harmonizing to Sinatra and two-stepping around the living room until finally, they’d both collapse onto the couch laughing hysterically.

He really was larger than life.

That is, until the pain started.

First it was gradual. A passing remark once and awhile, but only if someone asked. He was never one to complain.

But as time went on and the pain got worse, you could start to notice it in how he carried himself. Where he used to stand tall, chest held out, back straightened, proud yet without a hint of arrogance, he eventually became slouched, hunched over slightly, and weary-like a bruised prize fighter who had fallen so far from glory.

And while I had never seen him express pain before in my life, he began wincing every time he sat down.

He held on to the joyfulness and the whimsical humor for years after the physical signs started, but eventually, the aches and strains began tearing down his personality just like it did his body.

He would snap at us from time to time if we were playing too loudly for his tastes. Friday date nights become far too troublesome for him and, at times, he would resent my mother for even asking about it.

Our home, which used to be so filled with our giggles and his thunderous laughter grew quieter, tenser, and far less magical.

We tried to help with his pain, to find him a specialist and to get him into rehabilitation, but nothing made the pain go away. And eventually, he was given a steady supply of mild painkillers to help manage his symptoms.

After that, much of who he used to be disappeared completely. He still worked and eventually retired in his mid-sixties. And my sisters and I went off to school to build lives of our own.

But the trip around the country that my mother and father had planned on taking, their “two-step across America” they called it, went from “happening after retirement”, to “when the timing’s better”, to “maybe… maybe someday”.

My father’s story isn’t an unusual one. I know, because I’ve worked with people just like him over the years.

People who have had their whole lives ahead of them but who are stricken in their prime by back pain and forced to live the rest of their lives catering to it, compensating for it, and ultimately becoming a slave to it.

And I know how devastating it can be to watch as the joy, the life, and the laughter of the person you admire most is stripped away by that pain.

So, I did everything I could do to prevent it. But despite all of my efforts to avoid the back pain that had dealt such a blow to my father, I eventually started feeling the same twinges, spasms, and stabbing pains that he endured.

And when that happened, I knew I had to change my life – before the pain got even worse. But before we get even deeper into my story, let’s take a look at Back Pain Myth #5.

If you’re anything like my father and mother, your first reaction (after trying to ‘push through the pain” of course) was to consider your treatment options.

Maybe you’ve tried going to the doctor time and time again asking for some sort of diagnosis or an effective treatment. But no matter how much you beg for help, there might not be anything they can do to find out what’s even wrong in the first place.

“Why can’t they just give me an x-ray or an MRI to see what’s happening?” you’ve probably wondered. But what a lot of people tend not to understand is the fact that many advanced imaging techniques like CT scans or MRIs aren’t actually helpful in improving outcomes for patients with lower back pain.

Added to that, the extra exposure to ionizing radiation can actually be detrimental to your health if you aren’t careful. And all of this, of course, adds up to making treatment far more difficult than you might imagine. Like I said before, how are you supposed to fix a problem if you don’t understand what’s causing it in the first place?

Plus, surgery is a highly precise process. And while it may work for very specific conditions that cause back pain (like bone spurs, stenosis, spinal infection, dislocated bones, or tumors), chances are your doctor won’t even recommend surgery.

However, some doctors may end up prescribing you powerful prescription painkillers to help you cope with the aches and pains caused by your condition. It’s important to remember, however, that these drugs are only treating the symptoms of your backpain, not the cause.

And it’s true that these pills may help make the pain go away for a time, but certain opioid painkillers can actually end up being incredibly addictive.

In fact, prescription drugs like these are some of the main culprits fuelling today’s U.S. opioid epidemic which, on average, kills around 115 Americans every day according to the CDC.

Added to that, some studies have even found that drugs like acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin (Bayer), and ibuprofen (Advil) may actually be just as effective at treating chronic back pain as opioids.

The commonly held belief that powerful painkillers or surgery are the only options when it comes to back pain, then, is most definitely a myth.

And trust me – I’ve seen what some of these drugs can do to a person up close. After all, my father used to use them every single day to help numb the pain.

It’s one of the reasons I vowed to never ever use opioids, whether I was in pain or not.

My father’s struggle with his back pain was certainly traumatizing to watch, especially since there was nothing I could do to help.

But it wasn’t until I was the one going through the stabbing pains and dull, constant aches that I knew I had to make a change.

First though, let’s rewind a bit. After I moved out on my own, I went to school, earned my degree, and started working in accounting, just like my father. And while I didn’t work my way all the way up from the mailroom like he did, I did have the education to put me in a desk job right away.

For a while, it was everything I could have wanted. Great pay, regular hours, a friendly work environment -I was set!

And over the years, I built a family with the man I love. We now have a beautiful son and daughter, two dogs, and a steady supply of goldfish and gerbils on top of that! I couldn’t deny it, life was good.

But as my years at the firm went on, my desk job started to take its toll. I was putting in long hours at the office (just like my dad), I was spending a lot of my evenings catching up on work (just like my dad), and I wasn’t paying nearly as much attention to my health as I should have been (just like… you guessed it! My dad).

Despite all of these similarities, though, I was different from my father in one pretty important way I knew what severe back pain could do to a person. I had seen it up close. And I’d be damned if was going to let it do to me what it did to him.

And that’s why l did absolutely everything I could to try and prevent it.

I researched for weeks at a time the best ergonomic chairs to help prevent future back pain I studied how I should position my feet on the floor and where my elbows should be while I’m typing. I talked with my company’s office health administrator on almost a weekly basis to make sure that I was doing everything right to avoid going through the kind of agony my father experienced.

And for a while thought it was working. In fact, I had been slaving away tirelessly for over 10 years before it first hit – that slight twinge of tightness in the lower back It didn’t really hurt at first, but I can remember thinking this was the start.

Less than a year later, I was bedridden, hopeless, and more miserable than I’d ever been in my life.

Part of it all had to do with my posture, And it’s a problem I’m sure so many of you listening right now are experiencing, just like I did.

Ever since grade school I always had it in my head that a straight and upright posture was incredibly important. And as I grew older and older, the exact reasons why that kind of posture was so important changed over time.

As a child, it was to show that we were paying attention in class and listening to what our teachers had to say.

In my early 20s, it was to convey a sense of responsibility and professionalism to my employers.

And more recently, a rigid and straight posture at my desk was all about maintaining a healthy and pain-free back. It was, after all, one of the reasons I thought my father ended up developing his gruelling back pain in the first place.

On the one hand, I was right. Hunching over your workspace for hours on end can put unnecessary strain on certain parts of your spine, breaking down the muscles and tissues day after day until, finally, the pain hits you like a ton of bricks.

But sitting in the same position for hours on end can cause serious problems, even if your back is as straight as an arrow. Part of the main issue here comes from the fact that maintaining any rigid position can cause back strain.

And over time, that strain can actually end up being problematic and could actually develop into serious pain.

Rather than focusing solely on keeping your back straight and rigid, then, you should always, always, always take breaks throughout the workday. Take a walk around your office. Stretch your legs a bit. Even leaning back in your chair for just a few minutes can help take the pressure off of some of the muscles that have been keeping your back so straight.

I can’t say for certain whether it was my strict adherence to this kind of upright posture for 8 hours a day for years on end that wreaked havoc on my back, but I’m pretty certain that it probably didn’t help.

But no matter what ended up causing it, the fact is that despite everything I did to try and avoid the kind of back pain that had hit my dad, I was now left with the exact same problem.

And to tell you the truth, I was pretty pissed about it.

On top of all that, the pain only started to get worse.

I would often wake up in the middle of the night to a sharp stab of searing hot pain. And getting out of bed in the morning wasn’t any easier. I practically had to have my husband pull me out and set me up right before I could even start to get ready each day.

Work wasn’t any better. While the pain tended to go away for an hour or two after sitting down at my desk, it would always seem to come back with a vengeance. Eventually, I had to take a handful of short breaks every hour just to hold myself together.

One of the most frustrating things about all this was the fact that I thought I actually had my back-pain beat.

To explain, one of the biggest changes I made along the way was to lose as much weight as I safely could and start making exercise a core part of my daily routine. And while I wasn’t overweight by any means at the time, I could certainly lose a few pounds around my waist.

You see, I had always heard that back pain was closely connected with being overweight. My father had certainly been larger than he should have been. Plus, everything I’d read over the years pointed to weight being a critical part of whether or not your back was at risk.

As a result, I paid extra close attention to what I ate , how much I exercised, and whether or not the needle on my scale was at a healthy level

But even though countless scientific studies show that obesity and being overweight are unquestionably risk factors for back pain, that doesn’t mean that you’re 100% safe if you’re thin

Back pain can and does affect people of all different shapes, sizes, genders, races, and genetic histories. And just because you aren’t overweight doesn’t mean that you won’t be hit by back pain at some point in your life.

In fact, around 80% of all adults will experience back pain during their lifetime. On top of that, lower back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide!

And part of the reason why back pain is so widespread is that it can be caused by so many different things.

According to National Health Institutes,It can come from:

The list goes on and on even further. But the most important thing to remember here is that back pain doesn’t just strike the overweight.

As my pain continued to get worse and worse, eventually my work performance started to suffer.

Id always taken great pride in what I did, and even though it wasn’t the most exciting job in some people’s minds, I was pretty darn good at it. And that helped me get lost in the work. But with the near constant pain, I couldn’t focus, was getting confused. I was making mistakes. And most of all, I was getting frustrated with myself.

If you’ve ever had to live with this kind of pain, you know just how cloudy it can make your thinking. Tasks that used to be almost second nature become confusing and complex. Projects that may have taken a few hours to complete in the past end up lasting for days.

You just aren’t as you used to be.

And that’s why I eventually went on disability. That and the fact that the pain had become intolerable.

I spent weeks on full bedrest. And as we know, that never really helps the back pain ever go away.

It was one of the worst times of my life. I remember lying in bed all day long barely moving, barely thinking, barely feeling anything other than wave after wave of pain.

When my children would come home from school and play downstairs, I would shout at them to keep the noise down. When my husband would ask if there was anything he could do to help, I told him to leave me alone.

At one point I remember apologizing through broken sobs and tears to my husband for how I was acting for the past few weeks, how I had changed, and how it’s been so long since we laughed. And I’ll never forget what he said

“Honey, we haven’t laughed like we used to in months, not weeks.”

That’s when I understood it wasn’t just the last couple of weeks that my pain had been tearing apart my family. It had been happening for much longer, and I didn’t even realize it. I didn’t even know how much my pain was affecting me and hurting my family.

The doctor didn’t know what the problem was and couldn’t recommend surgery. They offered pain killers, but I had already seen what these could do to a person.

It was up to me and me alone to find a solution.

So I searched. And I studied. And interviewed, And I dug and dug and dug.

My husband had been working towards earning his professorship at the local university in the field of kinesiology (the study of the mechanics of body motion). As a result, I had access to thousands of journals, papers, articles, and reviews on the human body and how it moves.

Plus, he helped connect me with experts in the field: chiropractors, doctors, trainers, professors and more.

And over countless interviews, pages and pages of studies, and trying hundreds of stretches that never worked, I started to see a trend through it all. A core set of exercises and stretches began to emerge that many of these experts’ sources had found just a small piece of, all I had to do was take these thousands of pieces and put them all together.

And when I finally did, I whittled it down to a single routine that doesn’t take more than a few minutes to complete.

But the real magic came after I actually tried it for the first time.

I couldn’t believe it. The pain I had been experiencing for so long and was so scared would only get worse was completely gone!

And it didn’t just disappear for an hour or two only to come back with a vengeance like with the other exercises I’d tried. This time, I knew I was onto something. And that’s why I’ve been doing this same exact routine every single day since.

And guess what? Still no pain!

But it wasn’t just the lack of pain that was different afterwards. Somehow, I felt lighter, freer, and less stressed. The anxiousness that had been building up in me for months felt like it had just slipped away.

I wasn’t the only one to notice either. That night, my family looked at me like I was a completely different person, like they hadn’t seen me in years, And to tell you the truth, they hadn’t, the face I’d been wearing was one gripped with pain and stress. And now, well, now I was back.

And sitting around the dinner table, we laughed more than we had in ages.

That night, I slept soundly. Deeply. And painlessly.

I dreamt that I was a bird who was trapped in a cage for far, far too long. And now that the door was open, I was finally free to fly again. But once I got out of that cage, I saw that I was surrounded by more-hundreds, thousands of cages just like mine that were all around me.

I knew that I needed to open up each of these cages and free the birds inside. But there was one bird in particular that I had to free first.

When I woke up, I knew exactly what I had to do. I picked up the phone and called my dad.

I never went back to the accounting firm. Not because the job wasn’t good, or I blamed it for my pain. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. No, I left because I had a mission now. I knew that I had to help as many people as l could break free from their cages, from their pain.

And that’s what I’m doing today. While I’m now a Pilates instructor by day, my real passion is helping people overcome their back pain with the revolutionary set of exercises that helped me, my father, and countless others finally find relief from their back pain.

Oh, and speaking of my dad, he’s never felt better in his life! He and my mom are finally traveling around the country like they planned, doing their “two-step across America” and laughing all the way. And ever since I showed him the Back In Action program, he hasn’t had any sharp stabs, any dull aches, and any debilitating spasms keeping him from what he wants to do.

My father and I aren’t the only ones that have seen the amazing healing power that these gentle exercises can bring though. Here are two more inspiring stories from just a few of the people the Back In Action program has helped eliminate their pain.

“My sciatica and weak back made it impossible to live the retirement life I had planned for. I was in pain all the time , I couldn’t visit my grandchildren or my friends, and i could barely even take care of myself

I almost had to move in to a home just so someone could help me get to the kitchen! But thanks to Back In Action, I can move like I’m 15 years younger! And best of all, I finally have my independence back again From the bottom of my heart Kimberly, thank you!”

“This program was a real life-saver for me.

I’ve been struggling with back pain for years and recently, It started to get worse than ever. But I work with my hands for a living and I just can’t

Thanks to Back In Action program I can finally get back to work because the pain is gone! And I can even do the simple stretches at the factory on my break.”

I can finally get back to work because the pain is gone! And I can even do the simple stretches at the factory on my break.

I can help you from back pain too with this amazing program, just like I’ve helped Joanne, Jeff, and so many others. And the results can be absolutely astounding. I’ve seen clients go from being unable to even reach down to their knees to having the same flexibility and freedom of movement they had decades ago.

All it takes is performing this simple, gentle sequence of stretches and exercises and you can unlock your body’s natural potential for healing, all without any painful rehabilitation or invasive surgery.

Just imagine not having to worry about whether or not you’ll have to deal with the discomfort of lower back pain today.

Or if your sciatica is going to start acting up when you’re trying to spend the day with your kids or grandchildren.

Imagine being able to finally participate again in the hobbies you once loved, or traveling to visit friends and family, or even just having the freedom to leave your home without asking for someone’s help.

Imagine finally having your independence back again.

No matter how bad your back pain has gotten or how hopeless you think your situation might be, the Back In Action program can help.

And I know because I’ve seen it happen. Heck, I’ve lived it.

That’s why I’m here today showing you just what this system is all about. So, let’s have a look.

And with each of the exercises covered in this three-part video series, you’ll learn how to master each of these three principles to help you tighten up your core for better support, stretch those hard-to-reach muscles that are making your pain worse, and relieve the pressure points that are causing tension build up.

These exercise make up the foundation of the Back In Action system, And as you start incorporating it into your daily routine, you’ll notice a range of motion and flexibility you never thought possible.

Not only that, but you’ll also likely experience a tightening of your core and more toned hips, thighs, and butt. It’s just one of a few added benefits of this powerful routine.

But don’t get the wrong idea here! These movements are specifically designed so that everyone can do them. They won’t get your heart pumping or your sweat dripping. No, these are meant to stretch your back and relieve pain, not give you a workout.

That’s why I’ve included plenty of modifications and changes you can make so you can be sure you’re getting the most out of every single movement.

Plus, I’m also going to show you one simple stretch that you can use almost anywhere to relieve back pressure, loosen up your ligaments, and strengthen your core to prevent back pain from striking when you’d least expect it.

So whether you’re at home, have a free minute or two in the office, or are even at the store, you can use this simple stretch to instantly relieve your back pain, refocus your mind, and melt away stress.

But there’s more to the Back In Action program than just that.

This innovative system also shows you how to relieve tension and shrug away stress with the “Arrow Stretch,” a simple standing technique you can use to improve your posture and realign your back so it’s as straight as an arrow.

And don’t miss out on the secret kitchen tips I’ve discovered can help make your back pain even more manageable by reducing inflammation and promoting healthy digestion at the same time.

Last but not least, I’ll also teach you why you’ve been sleeping wrong for years and how just a few easy changes can make your spine discomfort a thing of the past!

There’s plenty more included in the Back In Action system but, unfortunately, we’re running out of time, so you’ll just have to see what other amazing techniques are waiting for you inside, So go ahead and click the yellow button below to get started!

But before you go, I want to say thank you for reading this entire presentation. I’ve made it my life’s mission to help as many people as I can get rid of their back pain for good. And after seeing the power that this program has had on me, my father, and all of my other clients I’ve helped, I know that this is one powerful program you don’t want to pass up.

My husband, who has seen plenty of other programs that don’t even work cost upwards of over a hundred dollars, thinks that it’s worth much more. But to tell you the truth, I’m not doing this for the money. I just want to spread this message to as many people as I can.

Plus, if you start using the Back In Action program today, I’ll even include two special gifts as well.

The first is a full-text manual of the Back In Action system. So even if you can’t watch the videos (maybe you’re out running errands or are on the bus and forgot your headphones), you’ll still have complete access to all the valuable back healing information contained in the program. This manual provides detailed color pictures that outline each and every exercise and descriptions to get the most out of each movement.

And second, I’m also including my personal collection of little-known quick tips that I’ve discovered can add up to powerful back pain relief. These tips can be as simple as changing the way you carry your bag to work or shifting your weight when you’re sitting in the car. And though these changes may seem small, they can all add up to pretty potent pain relief.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – I’ve lived through the agony of back pain, I know how it not only takes over your physical life, but can also change how you think, how you feel, and how you act.

I know living and struggling with it can make it harder to be who you really are. Just like it changed my father. And just like it changed me.

But I’m here today to tell you that you don’t have to live that way. And most importantly, you deserve better!

Go ahead and click the yellow button to get started with the Back In Action program.

And get back your freedom, your life, yourself.

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